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Contact and visit us

Here you find our opening hours, what exhibitions we are currently showing and ways to contact us.

The image shows the facade of the building.

The Living History Forum premises in Old Town, Stockholm.

Contact us

Email for international inquiries

Project manager-International Coordination at The Living history Forum is Anna Edman Bastos:  anna.edman-bastos (at) levandehistoria.se.

Email för general inquiries

info (at) levandehistoria.se

Visiting address

Stora Nygatan 10, Old Town, Stockholm

Postal address

The Living History Forum
Box 2123
S-103 13 Stockholm


+46 8 723 87 50

For inquiries about collaborations, please use this form

How to send in a collaboration request

Proposals for collaboration must contain the following information in order to be processed: purpose of the project, what you want to collaborate on, project target group, summary of project, a description that clarifies the connection to Living History Forum’s current themes and our mission, intended funding, contact person, any other partners, and lastly a time table. 

Fill in the form below and press send when you are done.

Opening hours

Monday - Friday 12 - 5 pm

Saturday 12 - 4 pm

Free admission.

Opening hours may vary during public holidays. To see opening hours during public holidays, see detailed opening hours on our Swedish pages here.

Current exhibitions

In our Stockholm exhibit space we are now showing the exhibitions below.

In the Swedish part of our website you can also read about exhibitions from The Living History Forum, that are now showing in other museums around Sweden.


In today's society we are all flooded with information, and there are many who want to influence our thoughts and behaviors. Access to information gives great democratic opportunities, but also imposes demands on our ability to think critically.

This exhibition shows how the idea of "the good society" was given prominence in the propaganda of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union in the 1930s and 40s. It is also about the media society, what controls the media flow, and how susceptible we are to influence. By showing how propaganda works, the Living History Forum wants to equip the visitor's critical thinking and provide tools with which to detect manipulative messages. How do you handle the information flow yourself?

En illustration av två händer som styr en människa.

Children during the Holocaust

The Holocaust was the genocide of 6 million Jews carried out by the Nazi regime in Germany during the Second World War.

One and a half million of those murdered during the Holocaust were children, which corresponded to roughly 90 percent of all Jewish children living in Europe before the outbreak of war. Only one in ten children was alive at the end of the war in 1945.

This exhibition is about the German Nazi regime's genocide of Jewish and Roma children during the Holocaust. Children the Nazis considered a threat to the future and therefore were not allowed to live.

Hanna Dimitri tillsammans med sina tre barn

Photo: Anna Riwkin, Modern Art Museum in Stockholm

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        We work with education and remembrance of the Holocaust and other crimes against humanity . Remembrance to honour the victims and the people of the resistance. Education to present facts of what happened in history and to encourage critical thinking today.