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Exhibition "Legacy of silence" as a slideshow

Speltid - 5:18

Exhibition "Legacy of silence" as a slideshow

This exhibition gives the Holocaust a face to the world in the form of personal testimony about the suffering of the Roma during the Second World War. The words of the survivors make the genocide concrete and give it a presence today, more than 75 years later.


This exhibition gives the Holocaust a face to the world in the form of personal testimony about the suffering of the Roma during the Second World War. The words of the survivors make the genocide concrete and give it a presence today, more than 75 years later.

Monica Hirsch, author, and Maja Kristin Nylander, photographer, were entrusted with the assignment of visiting thirteen survivors and their children and grandchildren in their homes, to listen to and document their stories. Some had never told their stories before, others had only confided in their nearest and dearest. Some had very detailed memories, others only episodic recollections. However, now, before it was too late, they chose to come forward, to keep the world from forgetting their experiences.

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      Speltid - 5:18

      Exhibition "Legacy of silence" as a slideshow

      This exhibition gives the Holocaust a face to the world in the form of personal testimony about the suffering of the Roma during the Second World War. The words of the survivors make the genocide concrete and give it a presence today, more than 75 years later.
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